Preventative Dentistry & Dental Check Ups
Even if your teeth are perfectly healthy, regular cleaning is always going to be essential to ensure that you keep them that way. We work together with The Dental Hygiene Clinic to ensure healthy teeth have healthy gums. And you don’t have to be referred from a dentist either. Direct Access means that you can book an appointment directly with the hygienist, at your convenience.
Regular Teeth Cleaning
Ensure that you keep them that way.
Dental Hygiene Clinic
Ensure healthy teeth have healthy gums.
Direct Access
Appointment directly with the hygienist

Hours to Suit Your Busy Life
We know that your life can be hectic and to help, we have evening clinics that you can come to, if a daytime appointment is out of the question. We think our location offers convenience and the amount of patients we have from other neighbourhoods confirms it!
Giving Your Gums a Great Future
The training of every hygienist is all about prevention of dental problems. They will carefully remove the hard deposits of tartar that build up on the teeth and can affect your gums.

Giving Your Gums a Great Life
Hygienist training is all about the prevention of problems in teeth and gums. In their work, they carefully remove deposits of plaque that build up on the teeth and can go on to impact the gums. As they say, prevention is always better than cure!
Bright Ideas for Bright Smiles
A hygienist may also talk to you about your diet, and will recommend other measures to prevent dental problems. Your hygienist will help you develop a good routine for caring for your teeth and will be able to advise on toothbrush choices and will show you how to use them to maximum effect so that you keep your teeth as healthy as possible. Making regular visits to one of our hygienists and following the advice they give you will go a long way to helping you build up your confidence so that you will be equipped to keep your mouth healthy. They will also be able to alert the dentist if any problems do develop..
Dazzling Smiles into the Future
A hygienist will have other functions that he or she can perform and one of those will be to advise you on your diet and how it is likely to impact your teeth and gums. There will be help to set up a good regular routine to care for your teeth and additional advice on how to choose the right toothbrush and ensure that you use it correctly. By making regular visits to your hygienist you will be giving yourself the very best chance of keeping your teeth healthy. Your hygienist will also be able to flag up any problems as soon as they occur.
Book an Appointment Today
To book an appointment at your local dentist in Hove you can submit your details via the contact form, send us a direct email or phone us.
We endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.