Unsuspecting Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

Unsuspecting Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

Foods that can cause tooth decay do so by reducing the strength of the enamel. When food gets stuck in the gaps between the teeth it can react with the bacteria in the mouth, which may cause issues for your oral health. Problem foods between the teeth can erode enamel...
What is Diastema?

What is Diastema?

Diastema is a small or large gap between teeth in the mouth. Excessive spacing can occur in many areas of the mouth but larger gaps between the front teeth are the most common type of diastema, for which people may choose to pursue several treatment options. The...
What is an Impacted Tooth?

What is an Impacted Tooth?

A tooth impaction occurs when the tooth does not erupt in its proper position. The cause of an impacted tooth is typically overcrowding, so the tooth is unable to come through the soft tissue of the gum line – either fully or partially. If the tooth comes...
Loose Tooth Fixes

Loose Tooth Fixes

Loose teeth are normal for a child, but loose adult teeth are a cause for concern. If a tooth feels loose, you might notice that it is possible to wiggle the tooth. It is also possible that you may find a loose tooth by touching it during normal activities, such as...
5 Tooth Enamel Erosion Tips to Save Your Teeth

5 Tooth Enamel Erosion Tips to Save Your Teeth

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body (even stronger than bone) and forms the white surface of the teeth. The outer layer of the tooth needs to be strong because of the acidic foods and drinks that we consume. However, the tooth enamel wears down if you do...
What Can Cause a Toothache?

What Can Cause a Toothache?

Most people will experience a toothache at some point in their life, even with perfectly healthy teeth. Toothache commonly occurs alongside other symptoms, such as sensitive teeth and bad breath. It may seem unusual, but many toothache causes are entirely...